Regulations of the Legal Services Corporation CFR 45 Part 1601 through 1645 , 1981 - 1999, bulk: 1996 - 1999
Scope and Contents
This file contains drafts, public comments, correspondence, memorandums, notes and other related material pertaining to rules and regulations 1600 through 1645. At the time of these papers, rule 1645 was a proposed part intended to supersede the LSC's Property Management Manual. Rule 1645, at the time of the creation of this finding aid, is not included as part of the LSC rules and regulations. Part 1600 Definitions was not included in the papers.
- 1981 - 1999
- Majority of material found within 1996 - 1999
Repository Details
Part of the National Equal Justice Library Repository
Georgetown University Law Library
111 G. Street NW
Washington D.C. 20001
Georgetown University Law Library
111 G. Street NW
Washington D.C. 20001