[Great Sampford]: manuscript in Latin, on vellum, 1285

 Item — Box: MSS-009.01
Identifier: MSS-009.01


Sine Datum [circa 1285]; 16 lines; green wax seal depicting a flower with five petals and the legend: "S[igillum Johannis F]il[ii] Gilberti Wigge", endorsed on verso, seal damaged slightly at edge, affecting legend, folds, browned, 125mm by 242mm: Grant for a sum of money, John son of Gilbert Wygg of Great Sampford to Robert Wygg, clerk, for his service, an acre of his land in the field called Merefeld (between the land of Roger de Watevil on both sides, heading on to the land of Richard Hundirwood and on to the street called Rotstrate) to hold of John by an annual rent of 2d. Witnesses: Geoffrey Cocus, Alan, son of Geoffrey, Richard de Mora and others. The green wax seal is the only such example we have encountered in the last 40 years. Richard Hundirwood (Underwoode) is doubtless the Father of Margaret (Underwoode), later Lady Baroness Margaret. [ehr4.jpg


  • 1285


1 item(s) (125mm by 242mm)