Oral History Recordings


Processing Information

All oral history interviews from the original series (up to the mid 2000s) were originally recorded on VHS, and then digitized using our own equipment, and saved on DVDs as VOB files. In 2015, Leah Prescott saved preservation copies of these original VOB files on the Z Drive and created mp4 files based on these files. She deleted most of the combined mp4 copies that KH had created. KH then recreated most of the combined mp4 files based on the mp4 files, which had been split up.

Most oral histories, this, includes two sets of mp4 files: one set is split up, and the other one combined. The archivist recommends retaining both versions of access copies.

Repository Details

Part of the National Equal Justice Library Repository

Georgetown University Law Library
111 G. Street NW
Washington D.C. 20001